This i copied from something that i had on my first attempt at a blog.
I made it to South Dakota and have been here 2 days now. Along the trip i have been
making a list of some things that are different than New York and of somme activities that
i participated in along the way.
First off is how people name the meals of the day. In New York they are breakfast lunch and
dinner. In the Western part of the country it is breakfast dinner and supper. It can be really c
onfusing when dealing when trying to make plans.
I had forgotten that many other state use unmarked copcars which can give you qiute a fright
when you are not expecting them.
When i left new york the corn height was a little less than knee height. As we continued to
move westward the height got higher and higher with the corns height maxig out in
southwestern ohio and eastern indiana. At one point in our trip we notice that a change in
30 miles in latitude made a difference of about three feet in the height.
My car does pretty good on gas and i can make it pretty far before i need to refuel. Most gas
stations have the windsheild washers that they allow people to use for free. I dont think i ever
saw anyone using one in New York so i never used one either.
Along the trip though the amount of bugs increases as you travel westward to the point
where if you dont wash you windshield evertime you fill up you will not bee able to see out of it
by the time your tank is empty again. In New York when you go into a store/restaurante/gas
station, if music is on it will most likely be pop music or classical/elevator music. In the Mid wes
t thought nearly every place you stop just automaticly be playing Country.
Another difference about gas staions in the west is that many of them sell condoms in the
bathroom which is something that you never see in New York. I personally think that it is
a great idea and can do a lot to prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancys.
One great experience that i had on the trip(not) is that my car didn't have airconditioning.
So the entire trip we had both windows open and the sunroof open. Because of this i took advantage
of the sunlight to to try and get a tan. Well after the second day the left side of my bodie was fried
even my leg up to where my shorts covered and my left arm was so bad it hurt whenever sunlight
hit it. Since i was already tan to begin with i didnt look too red bu i could feel it.
In addition to bugs the speed limit also went up. 65mph in New York, 70mph in iowa and
75mph in South Dakota. this increase speed along eith the bugs can cause some serious pain to
the arm tanning out the window.
If you don't live in South Dakota you don't know what a grasshopper is. Grasshoppers
are everywhere here and are large. Within 1 day they can eat through your entire garden of
Petunias. When you walk through grass the hop up around your feet like water splashing from
puddles. They also get everywhere they are not supposed to.