Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hey stuart do you want breakfast. Thats what i woke up to. Ill start first with what i woke up from. I was having the weirdest dream. Bethany Kohler/Peters, some other girl, and i were in a room. they were both facing me and behind me there was a big picture window with a bunch of kids playing on a Jungle Gym thing. Anyways for some reason we start talking in spanish and then the rest of the dream everyone was speaking Spanish. Until at one point i just switch into French and no one else spoke it. Right at this time i look out the window and it was like something from the wizard of oz. there were objects blowing past the window but the kids were still just sitting there playing like nothing was going on. This is where i woke up.
Breakfast was biscuits and gravy with both choc
olate gravy and country gravy. It was amazing. After breakfast i went to lay down while Papa got stuff ready for our day at the beach. Grandma slep
t the whole way out to okechobee or okabogee whichever one we went to. When we got there it was the most peaceful thing ever. I loved it so much and it was gorgeous there.
Words and pictures dont capture it. There was NO ONE else there and there wern't even any boats on the lake. The whole time was just amazing and i am looking forward to it next summer.
Tonight i went to Tina's app. to watch some movies. First was aliens in the attic which sucked and we didnt finish. Second one was Bounty Hunter which was funny but not that goood.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I'm not going to try to tell you everything

I can't keep up with a daily play by play but i can give some highlights. In the past week or so i had a second grad party for family and friends in South Dakota, and it went pretty well. I think the entire church showed up as well as some family members they just wern't all there at the same time. I dont think there was ever more than 4 families there at the same time. It was 104-107 that day and everyone was kind of not feeling good. There was also lots wind that day. When i got home from spending the entire day at church it was night time and dark and in the field in front of my grandma's house there was this huge dark object several times larger than a house that had definatly not been there that morning when i left. It ended up being hay bales. It really is pretty impressive and blocks most of the train noise as well as the street sounds.
I had my last day of work before all of this. It was very uneventful and i left pretty early. I spent that night at my Biological father's house because the next day we were leaving for rapid city for a mini vacation. My stomach had other plans. The next day i woke up feeling sick. I txted my grandma to see if she was town so i could meet up with her. She wanted to go to have Donuts because she hadn't eaten. I reminded her that i was sick and that didnt sound like too good of an idea to me. She then suggested that we eat at Hardee's for breakfast. Guess what she wanted to get.... Biscuits and Gravy. I convinced her that we should just go home. So i met her at walmart and we both drove home. I slept for a hour when dad came over to pick me up.. The rest is for another post.

I Promise

I will post tonight.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nothing Much

Well i didn't really have a very eventful day today. I woke up... got some Thank You cards deposited my paycheck. Worked 3 hours hauling boxes of paperwork. Then i watched Death Race with my sister. It was a pretty good movie. I liked it which lately i have been having trouble finding. Then i went to church with my grandparents. There was a big thunder storm
and i got a few good pics.

MAD tv - Bon Qui Qui at King Burger

Currently my favorite youtube video!!!

Garden Spiders from Stuart Charbonneau on Vimeo.

I have better video's i just havn't uploaded them yet.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's Called Cruzin'

It's also called $15 of gas. Also called 150 miles. Me and my sister decided to hang out. She had her cousin Keana come with us. We First just drove out of town onto th highways just so we could go fast but we quickly found out that with only 4 cylinders my car cannot kick like normal with more than two people in it. It was a Sunday so not very many people were out so it wasn't too much fun but we listened to lots of music and i loved being able to talk to my sister .

August 7th 2010

Well i think that one day i will actually get these entries typed up and entered into my blog. Today was pretty much a lost day. I woke up at like 10 and went to hospice because today was a quarter sale all i really got was a pair of jeans and three books printed in 1946. They are apart of a Classic collection. They are the Iliad, Oddesy, and Utopia. After that i headed home had a quick dinner. Work today was just as busy and crazy as yesterday. It was different though because we seemed to work together a lot better and more efficiently than before. After work i went for another bike ride which felt amazing. I love how it makes my muscles feel after riding as opposed to running. Also my knees never hurt after. I ate a health bar for supper and watched my favorite TV show, Nip Tuck, on my computer. I watched Season 4 Episodes 2-5. I love the show but the first two episodes really made me feel like i need lipo suction. Well not really i just need to do more sit-ups.

August 6th 2010

Today was my mother's birthday and more than any year i wished that i had been there. I'm not used to missing these types of things and i have always been really close to my mother and wish that i could have been there. I texted her at at midnight this morning saying happy birthday and this morning me and my cousins called and sang happy birthday to her. We were on our way to go for another nature walk and we went to the downstream area but found that it cost to even get into the park. we tried another park but found the same problem. We finally decided to go back to La Fromboise Island. Right at the start of the hike we came across a Bull Snake. Later in the walk we came on a Fawn that just stood there and let me take it's picture. Later i took my two cousins to the pool. Afterwards i got some work done painting at my mom's cousin's house. Then i went to work.
I just want to say that i i am not a fan of sturgis, and i hate that every biker likes to eat at a bar. It was crazy busy all night and after i finished working i went back over to the house to do some more painting

August 5th 2010

Today was hard. Right after i woke up I went outside to take pictures of Spiders around the house. When i woke up i was feeling great which surprised me because of what happened the day before and the vary small amount of sleep I had gotten. The feeling didn't last long. Not long after i actually got up I was feeling exhausted.
I took lots of cool pictures, skipped pictures and didn't think to eat lunch. We took Kaylee ( My cousin) to visit with her other grandparents. We then took Savannah with us to La Framboise Island. We went on a nature walk through the trails and lost track of time and had to rush out in order to make it home so I could get to work on time.
I was still a few minutes late to work but as usual no one said anything about it. Right from the start it was a bad day. Thursday is my least favorite day anyways because i have to fry 6 cases of wings ( 240 lbs) on top of any other orders i get before 5. Today i got a lot of orders and until 5 i am all by myself. I messed up several of them. The whole night continnued like this and it also got very busy several times because becuase of large groups of people coming through town for sturgis.
All day i had a very sentimental attitude and i was missing all of my friends and people i will probably never see again. I just felt like i wish that i could have one more year of high school. I have a feeling that college will never come close to the memories that i have of high school, and the amazing friends that i have.