Friday, March 23, 2012

Microwave Cake

     If you are ever in the mood for a cake and don't want to wait the full 20 minutes, then you have a lot in common with me and my grandma late at night after watching an old VHS recording of Sarah Plain and Tall. 

     Now don't judge, it's something from my childhood. Anyways, we were getting ice cream out and then thought it would be nice to have some cake with it. Since the ice cream was already out we decided to microwave the cake because according to my grandma it only takes 7 minutes.

     We ended up cooking it for 8 minutes and it was fully cooked and fully risen. It tasted pretty good and was very moist. We used a box mix of cherry chip cake and had a large glass pan. The taste was a little off and after looking it up online it was most likely the eggs. Some other alternatives were meringue  powder or powdered pudding.

     All in all it was pretty convenient and with a little tweaking it could be a new favorite.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Signed Antique: "Voyage of the Liberdade"

Ok, so i have had this book for a long time and reached that point in my life where i would like to know what it is worth. I know i don't really have any viewers but if someone were to stumble upon my page and happen to know anything about antiques i could use some help.
The book is called The Voyage of the Liberdade by Joshua Slocum and was published in 1894.
This is a picture of the front cover which is pretty beaten up.
It appears to have been a gift from the author to one of his children because of a letter written on one of the blank pages. The name starts with a "J" and to me lookes like james but he did not have a james. He did however have a daughter nameds Jessie. I can figure out most of the words but i could use a little help getting them all down.
Inside there was also a piece of cardboard with names of ships and dates written on it. One of the names is Aquidneck, which was the name of one his boats. It also says Brazil on it which is where the Aquidneck was shipwrecked. I don't know what this is or if it is important but i scanned it in as well. If anyone can figure out what it all says i would appreciate it.
I have also included a picture of the title page and the copyright page, as well as a small print of a boat that i found in the book, though i assume someone was simply using it as a bookmark.
As you can see it is pretty beat up and the spine is coming away from the pages. I think some pages are even completed loose but once the text starts it is in decent shape.
I'm not really looking to sell it because i love collecting books but if it was worth enough i might part with it.