Sunday, January 30, 2011


Today was an absolutly beautiful. I know it is still midwinter but i am begining to have hope that maybe the winter is ending early. The chances of this being true are very small but it keeps me going.
Today i read a short story by margaret atwood for english class. It was a very interesting piece because there was no plot but rather several possible plots; each one dealing with love and relationship but in each story ever one the characters all die. In some of the plots the characters are perfect and nice, in others thay are cheating and rebellious, or they are weak and downtrodden, but they all die.
Practice was pretty easy. Just a warm up, bar drill,and med throw. In the bar workout i got a big blister that ripped off the palm of each of my hands. It killed so bad. I was not capable of finishing the workout dispite the blisters. I am much weaker than the rest of the of the team and i am just not strong enough. The Blisters don't look too bad here but they keep getting worse and with the dry air they are cracking and it hurts to hold the pole.
I went to walmart because sometimes i just need to shop. Just going and looking at everything that is out there that i may one day be able to have is fun. I went a little crazy and spent a little more than i would. I bought: a mug(black), a pineapple, bananas, a papaya(4 and a half freaking dollars), bread, soymilk, and v8 splash.

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