Sunday, January 30, 2011


This is what the inside of a Papaya looks like just in case you are curious
Today my only breakfast was a fruit smoothie, and my only lunch was also a fruit smoothie. Since i bought all those fruits i just couldn't help myself. I use the soy milk and for lunch i mixed in a naked fruit drink.
The whole time i have lived here i have marveled at the fact that there are never any bugs of any kind in my room. I don't always clean my dishes right away and i have food in my room which my parents have always said not to do, and still no bugs. all of this went through my head when i found a spider in my room today. It wasn't a big one and wasn't brightly colored but it was a bug in my room. I left it alone and just took a picture. I have a feeling it is from mexico(papaya) or where ever the bananas and the pineapple came from.
My hands hurt pretty bad today and i accidently put hand sanitizer on them and it killed.
I forgot to do my spanish homework.
I drove to Calculus today and on my way i opened my sunroof. It was great absolutly magical. It opened like it had never closed. My car was actually hot enough that i had needed to open the sunroof.

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